Enjoy my video playlist with tips for sellers:

Complete playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb4t90MKzElXIp6ZbR30xE-x02h6JWQuT

To Hire a Realtor, or Not to Hire a Realtor. That is the Question: https://youtu.be/tzRy1yS3ti0

Where to start: https://youtu.be/lSbDbB4635s

Timing: https://youtu.be/5bZ92N8IfLk

Pricing: https://youtu.be/_riWYAA33yA

Assemble Your Team: https://youtu.be/BW-_C7aZIgc

What am I signing? A walkthrough of a typical contract from the buyers perspective, but nonetheless helpful for sellers on the receiving end of the purchase agreement: https://youtu.be/aBjRVHi-TwE

Transparency: On the listing agreement, how realtors get paid and for what: https://youtu.be/cFPwLS6_Ldw

About me: https://youtu.be/67qG-71b6Bk